Starting a Transport Company

Posted on: 17 March 2016

If you have ever been fascinated by how well organised people and goods are transported from one corner of the globe to the other, starting your own transport company may not be too far-fetched. A lot goes into the process of starting a transport business to the point of having it run. If you want to start a transport company, there are a number of factors that you need to consider before commencing. These include the following:

Type of transport business – There are many different types of transport companies available for you to choose. These range from offering taxi and trucking services to courier and charter services. It is, therefore, critical that you understand the type of transport business your t company intends to specialize. Remember that you should choose one that does not have a lot of challenges such as stiff competition. Additionally, you are supposed to do research and establish that there is a ready market within your locale.

Start-up capital – As mentioned above, there are many transport businesses to choose. Each type of transport business has its capital requirements that are different from another. Therefore, do not make a mistake of thinking the same investment your transport company needs to run a taxi service is the same as that of a trucking company. You should do your research and estimate the costs your transport company is likely to incur and compare this to your budget. 

Permits and licenses – Just like any other business, a transport company needs to acquire all the necessary permits and licenses required to start legally and run the business. Therefore, you need to contact your local transport department branch and find out the specifics of what you need to start your transport company. The business also needs to register with the national transportation department. 

Advertising – Conducting thorough market research is critical for your transport company. With the transport industry growing every year, the need for market share has never been this critical. As such, you need to understand what your target market wants and tailor your advertisement and promotional strategies to its needs and preferences. Finding out the cost of advertising in the local dailies also helps a transport company to make sound promotional choices. With advanced technology, you can build a website for your transport company and advertise the services that your offer. Additionally, a social media page can help spread the word about your business.     
