Yes, Your Items Will Need Refrigerated Transport

Posted on: 20 January 2016

Refrigerated or temperature controlled transport is needed for food items and other perishables; most managers of certain manufacturing facilities, food suppliers, and meat packing plants will know when their particular items are required to be shipped in a refrigerated transport. However, there are times when it's good to invest in this type of transport even if you're not shipping food or items you otherwise assume are perishable. If you're in charge of transport for your facility, note when you should consider a refrigerated transport company versus a standard cargo truck.

1. When humidity may be a problem

Temperature isn't the only factor that can affect the quality of certain products; humidity can also be an issue. For example, furs and fabrics can absorb moisture and, in turn, allow for mildew growth. Moisture can also collect in or around and then damage computer parts, car parts, and the like. If you're shipping anything that needs to be away from humidity and moisture, consider refrigerated transport, as the cooler temperatures will keep humidity well-controlled.

2. Note the temperature of the material's destination and route

If you're shipping to the tropics or anywhere that is already hot and humid, or if your materials will be traveling through these areas, you may want to invest in refrigerated transport. You may be very comfortable where you are right now, but once your items leave your warehouse, they will be subject to the temperature of every location along their route. 

This factor can be especially important if you're shipping items overseas on a cargo ship, as your containers may be exposed to direct sunlight and the added humidity of the water. In this case, invest in refrigerated transport for maximum protection.

3. For hazardous materials

Even if the hazardous materials you're sending aren't necessarily required to be transported in a refrigerated truck, it can still be good to invest in this type of shipping. Many hazardous materials and chemicals change and react when exposed to heat and humidity and, in turn, become a danger. This can be an even greater risk if they're shipped with other chemicals and materials that also react or that can cause an explosion when in contact with the materials you're shipping. 

Remember that you may be liable for any damage that occurs because of the materials you're shipping, even if your shipper has liability and cargo insurance. Invest in refrigerated, temperature controlled transport in these cases to keep your company and your shipper safe.

For more information, contact a local refrigerated transport company. 
